Poor Posture and Your Back Pain

Poor posture can disturb your spine health. It causes loads on your spine, causing back pain. If you have mid back pain, it means that you need to correct your posture while sitting, standing, and walking. Poor posture can affect muscles, discs, and joints in your back and force them to move beyond the tolerate limit. Even a sudden heavy lifting can cause immediate back pain and dysfunction. If you suffer from mid back pain, you can consult with Dr Brian Nantais. He is a renowned chiropractor who treats your complication from its root. 

Chiropractic care is an alternative treatment option where a chiropractor will not provide medicines or surgeries to treat your pain complications. Search for the Chiropractor Near Me on Google, and you will get an array of health choices. Meet Dr Brian Nantais to learn more about your health. He is an experienced chiropractor and treats your health complications. 

Common postural habits:

We do not pay attention to our posture, and we develop some poor postural habits in our everyday activities. To make you aware of them, Dr Brian Nantais explain common postural habits that include:

  1. Slouching on your office chair
  2. Lying on your belly on the bed
  3. Working on your laptop while sitting on your bed
  4. Standing while shifting your body weight on one leg
  5. Lifting heavy objects by bending your back

This incorrect posture causes back pain. Dr Brian Nantais always suggest an active life to keep the pain away from you. A sedentary lifestyle causes many damages to your health, and it is also the reason for your back pain. 

You can easily identify what causes pain by staying aware of it. If your new job develops pain, you can simply treat the condition by changing your desk or chair and following ergonomics. If you want to learn more about chiropractic health, you can consult with our doctor. Find the best Chiropractor Near Me on Google and choose the experienced name only.

Do you know how poor posture cause back pain? We have explained a few things here to make you aware of them.

  1. Hunching while standing or sitting can tighten your back and core muscles. It affects the blood supply, which develops stiffness or weakness. 
  2. An unsupported sitting position builds up pressure on your spine. It also causes herniated discs.
  3. When you lift something heavy incorrectly, it also causes herniated disc. 

These are the things that you can correct to improve your posture and reduce mid back pain and other complications.

Dr Brian Nantais will help you improve your posture. He performs a few techniques that help you alleviate pain.

He first asks questions regarding your health and examines your posture. He also makes adjustments to your spine to improve its structure. He also works with tissues and improves your posture. You can visit Nantais Family Chiropractic to know more about your health. Please contact us to know more details. 

When you feel pain below the neck and above the bottom of the rib cage, it is mid back pain you are experiencing.
